Queen Of The Damned | Motorhead | Supertesti.it

Queen Of The Damned

Testo Queen Of The Damned

The one that you fear is so close
The woman tattooed with the rose
Claws that are sharp, she‘ll tear you apart
Make you into food for the crows
Revenge is her aim, she‘ll make you pay
She talks a mean game and she‘ll blow you away

Get out of town as soon as you can
You don‘t want to face the Queen Of The Damned

The one that you know oh so well
The woman to send you to hell
She‘s coming here now, coming and how
She‘ll make you wriggle and yell
Pay back is mean but you might be too

Like nothing you‘ve seen here after you
Get out of town as soon as you can
Don‘t want to face the Queen Of The Damned

So what will you do now
You know the woman is waiting below
She‘s coming up here
Let‘s make it quite clear
I think you should shut up and go

Don‘t try to talk, she ain‘t in the mood
It looks like she outta be locking in a zoo

Get out of this place, take it on the lam
Don‘t want to face the Queen Of The Damned

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